Members say Thankyou

June 15, 2021 News

June 2021

Dear Chris,

I have been a member of the SDA for over 20 years and have not needed any direct help until this year. I work for a large retailer and my manager wanted to change my roster. In the past, I have always been able to work these things out with my manager but this time he held firm and would not change his mind.

After three days, I contacted my organiser Nik and he was fantastic. We had a series of meetings with the company and the company modified its position. Nik told me that he would speak to Darryn at the union office to see whether we should escalate my problem. I had a Zoom meeting with Darryn and both Nik and Darryn worked on my case. After two months we made some real headway with the roster which is great. I now feel I have my life back.

I decided to write this letter because I wanted to inform you that both Nik and Darryn helped me enormously. Chris, I wanted to also tell you that best of all, they cared. They truly cared.

Thank you – (Name withheld).

Dear Mr Gazenbeek,

I would like to thank you and the union for the secondary education scholarship of $100. It made my day when I received the letter and I am so grateful for the contribution. Being in year 12 I have a lot of extra stuff going on with school and it is a great help to my parents. Thank you so much!

Yours gratefully – Katie.

Hey Chris,

My name is Paul and I recently fractured my ankle. I would like to thank you for giving me the $700 cheque from the SDA’s Accident Insurance Policy. I am also so grateful to my Shop Steward who told me about the union policy. It is a pleasure being a member of the SDA.

Thanks – Paul.

Dear Mr Gazenbeek,

What an unexpected delight it was to be offered a ‘Tertiary Scholarship’ for my son’s education. Fantastic! This will help to purchase some much-needed supplies as the year progresses. Many thanks from a grateful union member.

Sincerely – Ellen.