FREE Superannuation Advice

Since early 1989, eligible retail workers have been receiving the benefit of Superannuation. This was a hard fought for benefit secured by the Union movement.

The current amount payable by your employer is 11.5%. Occupational Superannuation is paid in addition to your weekly wage and is a percentage of your ordinary time earnings.

Under most Enterprise Agreements negotiated by the SDA, employers are required to place member’s funds into the Retail Employees Superannuation Trust (REST).

REST is the largest super fund in Australia by membership and one of the biggest in terms of assets.

Because the subject of superannuation and personal insurance has become more complicated, the SDA can assist members to ensure that they are receiving your full entitlement.

You can contact the SDA on 3833 9500 (local) or 1800 657 141 (regional) OR, send your email to –

Visit REST Website