Metcash Crestmead Negotiations 2023 update

August 25, 2023 Uncategorized

The latest update from the SDA negotiating team lead by Metcash employees Malia and Israel.

The SDA Union has presented to Metcash our SDA members log of claims items, and Metcash has provided a response on all claims. There have been Three (3) bargaining meetings between the SDA Union and Metcash.

Metcash has made a “Without Prejudice” offer to the bargaining representatives and we are seeking feedback from our members on the offer.

Metcash is proposing the following:

Wages and Allowances (SDA claim 1, 2,)

The proposal is a 13.56% increase over the life of the agreement to wages and allowances:

  • 1 September 2023* – 5 %                                   
  • 1 September 2024* – 4%
  • 1 September 2025* – 4%

*Increase applies FFPP on or after the date

  • All allowances (first aid, meal allowance, Chiller/Freezer) to increase in accordance with the wages percentage increase. (SDA claim 2)
  • Back pay will be payable beyond 31 August 2023 to employees if the agreement is voted up at the first occasion.

Length of Agreement – 3 Year

The proposed agreement will operate until the 1st September 2026.

Protective Clothing Clause 3.2(a)

The annual allowance will increase from $210 to $250. Metcash will also provide all new employees with 5 shirts on the commencement of their employment. (SDA Claim 6b)

Leave Entitlements

Family and domestic violence leave

The family and domestic violence leave terms in the agreement will be updated to reflect the current National Employment Standards entitlements. (SDA Claim 22)

Evidence for personal leave

The personal leave evidence requirements will be amended in the agreement so that employees who have ongoing caring responsibilities can provide a single piece of evidence for multiple occasions over an extended period of time. (SDA Claim 16)

Community service leave

The community service leave terms in the agreement will be updated to reflect the current National Employment Standards entitlements (SDA Claim 21)

Compassionate leave

The compassionate leave terms in the agreement will be updated to reflect the current National Employment Standards entitlements (SDA Claim 20)

Public Holidays

Update the List of public holidays: (SDA Claim 26)

  1. ‘Queen’s birthday’ will be replaced with ‘King’s birthday’.
  2. Christmas Eve (6 pm to midnight) will be included in the agreement as a public holiday.

Cleaners – Classification

  1. A cleaner classification will be added to the agreement.
  2. An allowance will be included in the agreement to be paid to cleaners when they perform dirty and particularly unpleasant tasks.

Inventory function

The inventory clerk role will be reclassified to the senior skilled classification.

19 Day Month Roster

The 19 day month roster will be offered to new permanent employees instead of the existing practice which involves allocating the roster to new employees.

Engineered Standards

The engineered standards clause from the Metcash Trading Limited Dry Grocery and NDC Enterprise Agreement 2019 will replace the existing engineered standards clause in the agreement.

Work Health and Safety Matters to be updated

Terms will be included in the agreement in relation to:

  • general work health and safety duties;
  • excessive workloads;
  • mental health and wellbeing;
  • violence and harassment; and
  • sexual harassment.

Union Rights

The proposed agreement will now include:

  1. The SDA as a party to the agreement
  2. The SDA will be able to represent you in meetings with Metcash in relation to matters such as consultation, disciplinary meetings and dispute processes.
  3. the right for employees to elect to pay deductions via payroll.

Coverage of the Agreement

The agreement coverage clause will be amended so that the agreement will continue to apply if work done at Crestmead moves to a new location.

Drafting / National Employment Standards, Compliance, Simplification and tidy-ups

Changes have also been made as required for compliance purposes, simplification, clarification or tidy-up (including correcting spelling, numbering, formatting and grammatical errors).

The SDA is negotiating to achieve the best possible pay and conditions for Metcash Crestmead Employees.

This is your agreement with your rates and your rights. Only you can decide if this agreement is sufficient. No new agreement will be introduced without a vote of employees.

If you have any questions about negotiations please speak to Malia or Israel onsite or your SDA Organiser, or call the SDA office on 07 38339500

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