Big W DC Negotiations: Company has presented a formal offer to be put to a vote
Company has presented a formal offer to be put to a vote
The SDA met with the Company, Employee representatives (EBR’s) and NUW on Friday 11th May 2018.
The SDA pressed the company for a 3 year agreement that reflected wage percentages of 3% and an improved severance payment for redundancy.
The company responded by stating that 3% in a 3 year deal was not achievable; as Warwick has an incentive scheme wages were comparable and would be closer by having a 4 year agreement. After further consideration by all parties the SDA suggested that the incentive scheme needed to be protected and team members would be amenable to cash assistance (store vouchers) at the start of the agreement to boost the payments being made if there was insistence for a 4 year offer.
After further consideration the company’s final offer on a “without prejudice” basis was presented as follows:
- 4 year agreement
- Wage increases 2.6%, 2.6%, 2.8% and 3%.
- Adult rates of pay will now apply for 19 years and above
- 25% loading applied to rostered Saturday shifts (Note: if outside normal roster or outside maximum hours will still attract overtime).
- Casual employees will now receive casual loading on top of both ordinary and overtime rates. (Ordinary = 122%/ Overtime =172% & 222%).
- Casuals have access to discuss conversion to permanent roles.
- Access to an additional break on 6 hour shifts by agreement.
- Redundancy –
- Introduction of closure payment of up to 10 weeks (maximum severance amount payable increased to 30 weeks).
- Consideration @ terminology for “reasonable relocation”
- Clothing allowance increased by $10 p.a to $130.00 and accruable for 2 years.
- Amend purchase leave eligibility so team members no longer need to exhaust all Long Service Leave.
- Improve Domestic Violence leave to include a period of 3 days paid and 7 days unpaid.
- Recognition of Easter Sunday as a Public Holiday attracting Penalty rates if actually worked.
- Other (outside agreement benefits)
- Introduce a ‘fair rotation” starpoint working group.
- Company to provide an MOU committing to continue incentive scheme throughout life of agreement.
- Payment of $200 gift card to each employee on formal acceptance of the offer.
The SDA reviewed this offer and considered it to be the best offer put to team members to date agreed for the company to put the offer informally to team members for a “hands up” vote on the general attitude of team members towards such an offer.
The Informal offer meeting took place at 11.30am on Friday 11th May 2018. There was sufficient positive interest by team members in the offer for the SDA to allow it to be put to a formal vote process.
The bargaining parties are now in the process of reviewing a draft agreement. Once drafting is finalised all team members will be given access to the final draft agreement and thereafter the ability to formally vote on the offer.
If you have any questions or concerns about the offer you are encouraged from this point and especially when you have received the formal material to seek answers from the SDA by :
- Emailing the SDA –
- Contacting your SDA Organisers (Michael Norris & Daniel Ferguson) OR
- Talking to your SDA delegates (Gavin Beckhouse & Judi Thompson).
We will keep you informed of when drafting is to be completed and the details for the voting process in due course, at this time you will be able to cast your formal vote on the new proposed Agreement.
These are Your Rates, Your Rights, Your Site, Your Fight.