Big W DC Negotiations Update
29 January, 2024
The first meeting for the 2024 Big W DC Enterprise Agreement took place on Thursday January 25. Your SDA bargaining team and Delegates met with the Company to start negotiating for improved wages and conditions at the DC.
All bargaining parties exchanged their Log of Claims and the SDA team repeatedly made it clear that cost of living relief is the most important issue for members. A strong wage increase, introduced as early as possible will be one of our key focuses throughout the negotiations.
As well as our Log of Claims the SDA team presented four draft clauses for consideration.
These clauses covered our claims on uniforms, Natural Disaster Leave, Rest Breaks and the length of the agreement.
Your SDA bargaining team are representing you. These are your wages, your conditions and your site so we need your input throughout this process. Please continue to talk to your Delegates and Organiser about the issues that matter to you.
The next meeting will be on February 7.