Coles negotiations update – 18 July
We are getting a lot closer to an agreement that our SDA members can endorse, but there are still some key differences between Coles position and the SDA’s.
Today the company made a new counter offer. This included a better wage offer and agreement from the company on some of what we put to them at the last meeting.
Significantly we made some headway on the SDA claims to allow Time Off In Lieu for Public Holidays, and our claim to have some of the problem areas in the Forest Lake and Heathwood sheds re-timed. There was also some movement on a potential “Family and Domestic Violence Leave” clause.
One of our key items today was the tabling of a set of principles our members would like to see included for an improved incentive scheme.
Our next meeting is on Friday the 25th of July and we’ll be putting a further offer to the Company and to get closer still to the Rates and Rights our members deserve.
Your Rate Your Rights…….Your Union