Coles Parkinson CDC Negotiation Update
Day one of Negotiations
Today, Friday 22 May was our first day of negotiations for the new Coles Parkinson CDC Agreement.
Today was only a day to exchange our Log of Claims.
SDA Delegates, Adelaide and Kuresa, your Organiser Mili, and Assistant Secretary Justin, explained your claims and the reasons that the DC workers deserved these improvements.
We also heard the Company’s reasons for its Log of Claims.
There was some initial feedback provided today. The Company have indicated that they can consider a Domestic Violence Leave clause but that they do not want to increase the Redundancy provisions of the agreement.
But these are not their official responses, just initial feedback.
We have now taken a break to consider each others Logs, and negotiations will resume on Wednesday of next week.
We will keep you up to date as the negotiations proceed.
These are Your Rates and Your Rights! So you deserve to know what is happening to them.
If you’re not already a member, Join today to show your voice for improved wages and conditions in the 2020 agreement.
Click here to see a full copy of our Log of Claims. Please remember that this is a starting point for the negotiations and not all of these items will be achieved.