Each year, the SDA and Australian Unions argue for a fair pay rise for retail workers. This is important for all workers because pay rises in many Enterprise Agreements mirror the Awards including the General Retail Industry Award (GRIA) and the Fast Food Industry Award (FFIA). This means that whatever pay rise the Fair Work Commission announces will also apply to many workers on Enterprise Agreements.

Last year, the Fair Work Commission unfairly delayed the Annual Wage Review for essential workers in the retail and fast food industries.

While the SDA was successful in our campaign to bring forward the pay rise for the majority of SDA members, many employers did not agree.

This year, the pay rise determined by the Fair Work Commission shouldn’t be delayed again. It would be extremely unfair for essential retail workers who have worked tirelessly on the front line of the pandemic.

Not only is it essential for retail workers to receive a pay rise to keep up with rising cost of living but it is critical for the Australian economy too – the more money workers have to spend, the more they can spend in local businesses to help boost the economy.

How can you help?

In the SDA’s submission to the Fair Work Commission to argue for a fair pay rise for retail workers, the SDA relies survey results and stories from workers
So make sure you have your say to help us win a pay rise for you.


All submissions are confidential from your employer.