Members Accident Insurance: Claim Story

September 20, 2016 News

Did you know the SDA provides all members with FREE Accident Insurance cover for injuries sustained outside of work?

Debbie_accident-insuranceThis year, we hit $1million worth of payments since the benefit began. Over the years, we have heard time and time again from members about how the benefit assisted them during their recovery.

Meet Debbie. Debbie is a long time SDA member who early in 2016 underwent arthroscopic surgery on her knee to repair damaged sustained in a fall at home. Debbie had previously put in a successful claim for the SDA Accident Insurance benefit and knew just what to do this time around. Debbie contacted the SDA and detailed her injury and that day was advised she was eligible to claim.

Debbie filled in a short form and sure enough received $2250 in the mail the following week.

“Thankyou, thankyou to the SDA, especially to Bob (SDA’s accident insurance claims officer) for his help and how easy and nice he was to deal with. I was really impressed with the quick turn around each time, from making the claims to payment. The first cheque was in the mail before I got home from hospital!”

Members are encouraged to take advantage of this important benefit. If you think you have a claim, fill in the form below and staff will respond in the next two business day.

SDA Accident Insurance is here to help.