New family & domestic violence leave in National Employment Standards
From today all employees will have access to 5 days unpaid family and domestic violence leave.
The new leave for employees experiencing family and domestic violence has now been introduced into the National Employment Standards which covers all employees regardless of what industry you work in.
This is an important step to help address family and domestic violence in Australia. The new entitlement was won by the union movement who argued for access to family and domestic violence leave in the Fair Work Commission.
While unpaid leave is a crucial step, to leave a violent or abusive situation you need paid leave. Paid family and domestic violence leave provides financial and employment security which allows time off, including for attending court hearings or looking for a safe home to relocate children.
The SDA continues to campaign for 10 days paid leave in the National Employment Standards.
Family and domestic violence leave already applies to several agreements negotiated by the SDA.
We continue to seek leave for members when it comes to negotiating new agreements with employers.
1.6 million Australian workers across the country have access to paid leave because of union-negotiated agreements.