Members say thankyou
Over the last 30 plus years, the SDA has awarded thousands of scholarships to our members totalling in excess of four million dollars. The SDA Executive had the foresight some 35 years ago to initiate a scholarship scheme which directly benefitted members. The Executive, in their wisdom, decided that a quality education is extremely important in any society and no student should be denied that opportunity because of a lack of money or resources. They wanted a scheme whereby members could simply enter, and then have their names ‘picked out of a hat’. No assignments or essays had to be submitted and there would be no exams.
Fast forward 35 years and the scholarships have been extended to now cover primary, secondary and tertiary students. The Executive has also decided that SDA members who are students can enter and importantly, our adult members can enter on behalf of their children and grandchildren. In 2020, the value of the scholarships range from $75 to $200.
Over the years, the SDA has received many thank you letters and emails from members who appreciate the fact that the SDA invests in the education of Queenslanders.
Recently, I received two such emails.
From Paula
Good Afternoon team,
I would like to shout out a huge THANK YOU to your team and all they do for union members.
The last 12 months and in particular, the last few months have been hectic with a lot of time off work due to surgeries and just general illness. My annual leave and sick days have both been depleted. While I was off work, I checked through paperwork from these past months and I found an unopened letter from the SDA. To my surprise, there was a scholarship cheque inside for my daughter who is in high school.
It made my day! Sometimes it is the simplest of things that matter the most. So thank you!
Regards, Paula
From Sean
Dear Mr Gazenbeek,
I am just writing to express my gratitude for awarding me one of the Tertiary Education Scholarships this year. I greatly appreciate this as it will enable me to further myself in my studies and to contribute towards some of the cost of my Mechanical Engineering degree that I am undertaking at the University of Queensland.
Sincerely, Sean
Enter the next scholarship draw