SDA pushing for pay rise at Coles
SDA pushing for pay rise at Coles
The Fair Work Commission recently handed down a 2.5% increase to the Retail Award in the Annual Wage Review but delayed the increase until 1 September this year.
The current Coles Supermarkets Agreement is nominally expired but it continues to provide your legal conditions and entitlements at work.
The SDA is calling on Coles to pay a 2.5% increase on 1 July this year.
The SDA has been campaigning with members for several months calling for retail employees to get their wage increase from 1 July.
We have directly engaged Coles and have called on them to pass on a wage increase from 1 July.
Coles members have worked on the frontline of the pandemic and deserve a pay rise, without delay on 1 July.
Last year the SDA and Coles members, were successful in securing recognition payments for Coles employees and also bringing forward a pay rise despite the Fair Work Commission’s unfair decision to delay last year’s increase by 7 months.
The essential contribution of retail workers has been highlighted by the pandemic.
Now Coles Supermarket workers are on the frontline again serving their communities as many cities across Australia go into another lockdown.
The supermarket sector has performed strongly during the pandemic and this should flow through to wage increases for supermarket employees.
Coles members have worked in difficult circumstances of increased customer abuse and heightened risk as the community has battled to control COVID-19 over the past year – you have made such a significant contribution to the Australian community.
The SDA will continue to press this wage claim with Coles and will keep you updated with any progress.
If you have any questions, please call 07 3833 9500.