July 21, 2017 Member News News

An update on your wages and working conditions …

The Coles Express Enterprise Agreement expired on 30 June, 2015. There have been several reasons for the delay in renegotiating a new Enterprise Agreement. These include a lengthy penalty rates case – which the SDA has now appealed to the Federal Court – and other significant cases which impact on the structure of new Agreements.

However, there is never a delay on the rise in the cost of living so in July 2015 and July 2016 the SDA secured wage increases for Coles Express employees. The SDA is pleased to advise that after discussions with the company we are again able to advise that there will be an increase in wages at Coles Express.
The SDA and the Company have agreed that a 1.65% interim wage increase will be paid from Monday 3 July and a further 1.65% increase will apply from 1 January 2018. The new adult full-time customer service representative rate from 3 July 2017 will be $837.90 (or $22.05 per hour) and the Casual adult rate will increase to $27.68 per hour.

These increases will continue to see Coles Express employees paid well above the industry Award and will be welcomed at a time of record low wages growth across the Australian economy.

Please note that whilst the rate of pay will increase by 1.65% in July and again in January 2018, all other provisions of the existing agreement continue to operate.
The wage increase will be effective from Monday 3 July 2017.

Getting On Board

The Union thanks its members in Coles Express for their ongoing support and assistance. Maintaining a strong representative voice has never been more important. While you are working alongside your workmates, speak to them about the importance of acting collectively and invite them to join the SDA. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the SDA on 07 3833 9500 (metro) or 1800 657 141 (regional)

Your New Pay Rates