Payment of Wages / Overtime Allowances
Being paid for work done is not optional – it’s the LAW!
Getting paid for all the time you work is enshrined in law. Your employer is legally bound to pay you for all work done. You must get paid either ordinary rates or overtime, depending on your circumstances. No person should ever work and not be paid.
The SDA is increasingly finding examples of employers expecting employees to “work” without paying them.
Furthermore, employers shouldn’t avoid paying somebody by telling them, “it was not authorised.” The SDA is finding that some employers are using this as a device to not pay employees.
If you are expected to complete a particular job or task and you do, you must get paid.
Never clock off and keep working without pay and if you experience any problems with unpaid overtime or other underpayments and you can’t resolve the matter with your immediate manager, contact the SDA and we’ll help you.
How Workers are Losing Out!
There are many ways a worker can miss out on getting paid properly, including not being paid the correct overtime penalty rate. They include:
• Coming in and working before your rostered shift begins;
• Working through rest pauses or meal breaks;
• “Clocking off” and then going back to work;
• Taking work home, like paperwork;
• Working after your rostered time off, say for an extra 10 to 15 minutes or more and not getting paid;
• Coming in on your day off or while on leave and not getting paid; and
• Allowing your employer to change your roster deliberately to avoid penalties you would otherwise be entitled to.
Check your Agreement
Your Agreement contains specific provisions relating to payment for time worked. Your employer is obliged to know what these entitlements are and apply them
to all employees.
If you want to know what your entitlements are, or if you need help in getting paid for time that you have worked, speak to your on-site SDA
Shop Steward, your Union Organiser or contact the SDA on 1800 657 141 and speak to an Information Officer.