SDA launches advertising blitz to protect penalty rates in Flynn

May 9, 2017 Uncategorized

The SDA has stepped up the campaign to protect penalty rates launching a multi-media advertising blitz in key marginal electorates across the country including the Federal electorate of Flynn, which covers the Gladstone region.

SDA QLD Secretary Chris Gazenbeek said radio, print, outdoor and digital blitzes would be backed by on the ground activities in major shopping centres across the region.

“Hard working retail and fast food employees stand to lose between $2,000 and $6,000 every year due to penalty rate cuts which are fully supported by the Turnbull Government.”

“Whether it’s a direct cut in take home pay or a reduction in the conditions that underpin major EBAs, it represents a pay cut retail and fast food workers can’t afford and don’t deserve.”

“The Turnbull Government has failed to stand up for working families at every opportunity. While they continue to turn their backs on Australian workers who are already struggling with record low wages growth; the SDA will continue to defend fair penalty rates.”

“We’ll be telling the stories of everyday people like Anastasia who relies on penalty rates to pay her rent and Andrew who’ll lose up to $150 every month.”
The advertising blitz will include radio, digital and social media ads, along with mobile and static billboards across five key Federal marginal electorates.
As well as Flynn in QLD, the other seats targeted for the blitz include Robertson and Gilmore (NSW), La Trobe (VIC) and Adelaide (SA). The advertising blitz commenced yesterday and will continue throughout May until early June.

“Across the Gladstone region, when people switch on the radio, drive to the shops, open the paper or check their Facebook, we’ll be telling them that cutting penalty rates will hurt everyday Australians.”

“We’ll also be explaining to the community how they can take action and stand up against these unfair cuts.”

On the ground, SDA members will be hitting the streets and workplaces to talk to the community about how the penalty rate cuts will hurt them, and how they can get involved in the campaign to stop the cuts.

Recent polling by Essential Research shows that 82% of respondents supported higher pay for work at night, on weekends and public holidays and 56% do not approve of the penalty rate cut.

“The cut to penalty rates could affect your partner, your children, your brother or your sister. It will almost certainly affect your friends or somebody you know.”

“That’s why we’re encouraging everyone to join the campaign to protect penalty rates. It’s about standing up for your family and your friends.”

Join the Protect Penalty Rates campaign at

Media contact: Darren Rodrigo 0414783405