SDA launches Our Rates, Our Rights
It’s a crucial time for Queensland’s distribution centre workers.
Negotiations for new enterprise agreements are currently underway at Coles and Woolworths, and already the discussions are shaping up to be difficult.
It’s never been so important that all workers stay informed about the EBA negotiations and throw their support behind the campaign for improved rates and rights at work.
To help do this, the SDA has launched a new online campaign hub where members and supporters can go for all the latest information on the enterprise bargaining agreements – it’s called Our Rates, Our Rights.
If you haven’t already, make sure you sign up as a supporter here so we can keep your updated with the latest campaign information.
Our rates and our rights are at risk during these negotiations, but together we will fight for the working conditions we deserve. Stay tuned to this website throughout the negotiations – it’s where all the information on both the Coles and Woolworths negotiations will be updated and a place where you can ask questions about the progress of the discussions.
Together we’ll get the rates and rights we deserve.